The Torrington Telegram | Public Notice No. 8308

2022-08-26 19:19:56 By : Ms. winnie sun

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PUBLIC NOTICE City of Torrington     ) County of Goshen     ) State of Wyoming     )     The Torrington City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, August 16, 2022 in the City Council Chambers at 436 East 22nd Ave. at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Pro-Tem Kinney, Council Members Kelly, Patterson and Steinbock. Mayor Adams was absent but excused. Also Present: Clerk/Treasurer Strecker, Attorney Eddington, Director of Public Works Harkins, Chief of Police Johnson, Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes and Deputy City Clerk Anaya.         Mayor Pro-Tem Kinney called the meeting to order.         Deputy City Clerk Anaya led the Pledge of Allegiance. Chief of Police Johnson administered the swearing-in ceremony for Police Officer Jacob Smith. Chief of Police Johnson recognized Tammy Cearns for her 20 years of exemplary work service to the Torrington Police Department.         Mayor Pro-Tem Kinney led the session with informational announcements on the following items: 1. Weather updates; 2. Reminder to the public that Goshen County is under a Stage 1 Fire Restriction Status until further notice; 3. COVID-19 updates and recommendations; 4. COVID-19 vaccine update; 5. Announcement that the Dale Jones Municipal Pool closed for the season on 08-14-22; 6. Reminder to the public to be cautious and mindful of the presence of children on the streets as schools will soon be back in session. Request to the public to refrain from using their cell phones while driving; 7. Reminder to the public that the baler site is open every Saturday through October from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. to receive grass and general yard waste; 8. Request to the public to please refrain from putting garbage in the grass bins; 9. Reminder to the public that the Elk Eco Cycle Recycling Center is open and is accepting carboard, separated paper products and aluminum cans. The site is located at 310 Curtis Avenue and is open Monday through Wednesday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.; 10. City project/ARPA funding update; 11. Primary Election (08-16-22) update; and 12. General Election (11-08-22) reminder. Councilman Kelly moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the consent agenda which includes the minutes from the 08-02-22 Council meeting as published and all actions therein be ratified. Motion carried unanimously. Councilwoman Steinbock moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously. David Cronk and J.D. Williams addressed the Mayor and Council in public forum. The audio archive of the Council meeting is publicly accessible to anyone interested in the full synopsis of the public comments. Please visit to access the archive. Attorney Eddington read a proclamation declaring September 2022 as Hunger Action Month. It states that hunger and poverty are issues of vital concern in Goshen County where 12.3% of people struggle with hunger, and indicates that more than 1,640 residents of Goshen County rely, annually, on food provided by the Food Bank of Wyoming and their local partners. Kyle Borger with WYO Help spoke in support of the proclamation. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded to approve the proclamation as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Doug Mercer with Scottsbluff Valley Street Rods (SVSR) requested approval of a special event permit for a Classic Cars on Main Street event to be held on 09-24-22 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mayor Pro-Tem Kinney indicated that the applicant is requesting approval to close the public street on Main Street between 19th Avenue and 21st Avenue and to have the special event permit fee waived. Councilwoman Steinbock moved and Councilman Kelly seconded to approve the special event permit and to waive the special event permit fee as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Patterson expressed that the annexation proceedings for the property located at 1501 East 20th Avenue have caused him stress, strain and loss of sleep. He stated that properties are annexed and zoned for safety and health purposes, and indicated that rules and standards need to be set within City limits for citizens to follow when dealing with population that is within close proximity of each other. Councilman Patterson commented that per the arguments that have been presented by both sides thus far, he believes that it would be perfectly legal for the City Council to proceed with the annexation, but that he personally would like to hit the pause button on any and all pending annexation proceedings. He stated that he does not want to vote in favor of the annexation or against it, therefore the position that he will be taking is that he will neither make a motion or second a motion to advance the annexation ordinance. Councilman Patterson indicated that his colleagues can proceed as they see fit and commented that he will vote on the agenda item if it receives a motion. Attorney Eddington read by title AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF TORRINGTON, WYOMING, REAL PROPERTY TO BE KNOWN AS THE “RUTT SECOND ADDITION”. The action was not considered for lack of a motion. Director of Public Works (DPW) Harkins presented for approval a request for a $1,200,000.00 increase in Agreement MSC No. 029CM0090089 for the FY22 – Torrington Well #16 Connection Project. He stated that due to soaring construction costs, Project Manager Larry Mallo has advised that the current funding that is in place is insufficient to complete the proposed project. DPW Harkins indicated that in addition, due to the borderline nitrate levels in the new well, staff is proposing to add a reverse osmosis (RO) unit to the project to remove the nitrates to meet current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards. He commented that staff is also proposing to add a backup generator to the project to ensure that the well is operational in the event of a power outage. The breakdown of the requested increase is as follows: 1. Construction Cost Increase ($300,000.00); 2. RO Unit ($785,000.00 and 3. Backup Generator ($115,000.00). DPW Harkins stated that the City has submitted for ARPA grant funding to cover the additional costs of the project utilizing the existing funding as a match to the grant request. He indicated that if successful in securing the grant funding, the City will rescind this request in favor of the grant funding. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded to approve the request for a $1,200,000.00 increase in Agreement MSC No. 029CM0090089 for the FY22 – Torrington Well #16 Connection Project as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker stated that the Solar Energy Generation Project proposed by the Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska (MEAN) and Sandhills Energy was discussed in depth at a Work Session held by the City Council prior to the commencement of the Council meeting. She indicated that staff does not feel that they are at a point where they can make any recommendations. Clerk/Treasurer Strecker commented that due to that, staff is seeking suggestions from the Council as to how to proceed with the project proposal. Councilman Patterson moved and Councilwoman Steinbock seconded to direct staff to research the proposal further and to provide more details and information to the Mayor and Council at a future date. Motion carried unanimously. The bills from 08-03-22 to 08-16-22 were presented for payment. Councilwoman Steinbock moved and Councilman Patterson seconded to approve the bills for payment as presented. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Pro-Tem Kinney asked for public comments, questions or concerns. Michelle Rutt, David Cronk and Suzanne Keller addressed the Mayor and Council. The audio archive of the Council meeting is publicly accessible to anyone interested in the full synopsis of the public comments. Please visit to access the archive. Councilman Kelly inquired if the addition of the game KENO to Wyoming on 09-18-22 will require the City of Torrington to update its ordinances. Buildings & Grounds Superintendent Estes stated that he will research the topic further with the Wyoming Lottery Corporation and update the Mayor and Council accordingly.         Councilwoman Steinbock moved and Councilman Patterson seconded that there being no further business to come before the Mayor and Council to adjourn at 7:53 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.     The following bills were approved for payment: 74169 Void;74170 WY BANK & TRUST lease purchase payments 26495.85;74171 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC. dispatch 911 service contract 9159.62;74172 MUNICIPAL ENERGY AGENCY OF NE wholesale power 485816.96;74173 TOUCHTONE COMMUNICATIONS long distance 83.00;74174 CENTURYLINK TVFD phone/data line 220.15;74175 WYRULEC CO Landfill Electric 158.83;74176 SCHAMEL, DALE credit refund 272.39;74177 SPLITLER, JOHN reimb-breakfast supply/fly in 715.52;74178 STALL, DONAVON graphic design-fly in flyer 190.00;74179 FRITZLER, CHRISTIAN deposit refund 119.60;74180 RICHARDS, KENDAL refund permit-withdrew application 300.00;74181 DUPONT, JEFF deposit refund 191.33;74182 ACTION COMMUNICATIONS INC. radio-on call/electric 571.00;74183 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES plastic packaging bags,trimmer heads, safety glasses,engine heater coolant,filters,ice machine cleaner 524.76;74184 STOTZ EQUIPMENT dampener,bearing housing,bearing,washer,screw 83.80;74185 ASSOC OF PUBLIC TREASURERS-US & CANADA membership renewal 159.00;74186 CONTINENTAL WESTERN GROUP auto/commercial property insurance 29718.00;74187 BIG WOOD TREE SERVICE LLC tree removal 3600.00;74188 BLOEDORN LUMBER CO-TORRINGTON adapter 4.49;74189 BROWN CO filter,oil 66.36;74190 BUTLER'S SALVAGE & TOWING towing fees 402.50;74191 CASELLE INC. contract support & maint 2050.00;74192 CENTURY LUMBER CENTER scraper,spray paint,bushings,let/no,steel bb wheels,hand truck wheels, disposer,couplings,elbows,pipe,plywood,satin chrome j-bend,trip lever,caps,hammer bit,concrete screws,pine,alum flat,corner brace,nuts,washers,bolts,lash strap,blades,trim head,gorilla epoxy,pipe wrench,hoses,tape,union,adapters,hot shot foggers,retractable knife,liquid nail,poplars,metal handle, respirators,gloves,loop stake,drippers,pipe tees,ball valves,connectors,stakes,hole punch,trimmer line, nozzles,sea foam motor treatments,flying insect killer,rotary sprinkler,clamps,insert tee,pipe plug,cedar split rail line post,saddle,mini bulb,strike anchor,hem fir,nails 1410.74;74193 CITY OF TORRINGTON c/o FIRST STATE BANK optional sales tax 112889.46;74194 COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ambulance supplies 32.48;74195 CONNECTING POINT copier service contracts/monthly charges 404.32;74196 CONTRACTORS MATERIALS INC. spray paint,poly strap,cone w/ band 472.20;74197 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING OF TORRINGTON dispenser rentals,water,salt 327.25;74198 DANA KEPNER CO INC. cable replacement part 47.39;74199 DIVERSIFIED SERVICES INC. cleaning services 585.00;74200 ECS concrete saw blades 810.00;74201 EDM INTERNATIONAL INC. Cold Springs 15kV UG Feeders Project 10290.75; 74202 ENERGY LABORATORIES INC. lab testing 1154.00;74203 EVERGREEN TENNIS COURTS INC. basketball systems 4665.00;74204 FASTENAL CO batteries,bleach 195.77;74205 FLOYD'S TRUCK CENTER INC. adjustment bracket-headlamp 16.61;74206 FUEL MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS tank repairs 747.84; 74207 G & L CONCRETE concrete 880.00;74208 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC ¼ cent sales tax 28222.96; 74209 GOSHEN CO ECONOMIC monthly contribution 2500.00;74210 GOSHEN DIESEL SERVICE garbage truck repairs 2470.00;74211 GREATAMERICA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP copier leases 356.00;74212 HAWKINS INC. sodium hydrox 50% diaphragm,testing chemicals 3136.30;74213 HOMETOWN AUTO REPAIR LLC repair A/C 158.00;74214 IDEAL LINEN/BLUFFS FACILITY SOLUTION mats,scrapers,sam dust/ energy fees,coveralls,garments,sam garment fees,sam linen,towels,dispensers 753.41;74215 J HARLEN CO INC. fire proof gloves 201.80;74216 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney extended hours 665.38; 74217 JAMES A. EDDINGTON PC City Attorney 9187.50;74218 KATH BROADCASTING CO LLC tower rent, City Council meetings 275.00;74219 K & K COMMUNICATIONS paging service-elec meters 12.00;74220 FRANK PARTS CO lamp,power steering fluid,fleetrunner belt,mud flap,filters,washer pump,impact socket,proto tool,fuel hose,bolts,gauge,hub cap,silicone 461.92;74221 L N CURTIS & SONS pants 137.97; 74222 MAC EQUIPMENT INC. 2022 F250 complete plow package 8142.27;74223 MASEK GOLF CAR CO credit-tie rod,rack gear,joint,golf cart repairs 54.24;74224 MCKEE, KAREN R. & MARTIN B. t-shirts 299.00;74225 M.C. SCHAFF & ASSOCIATES INC. Airport Project 3206.33;74226 IMPERIAL PUMP SOLUTIONS parts/service-prison lift station 1744.26;74227 MEDICAL AIR SERVICES ASSOCIATION medical air transport insurance 1596.00;74228 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION nfpa 409-standard on aircraft hangars 68.45;74229 NEWMAN SIGNS INC. traffic signs 252.53;74230 NICOLETT-FLATER ASSOCIATES pre-employment evaluation 225.00;74231 NORTHWEST PIPE FITTINGS INC. pvc tee, purecore poly 308.07;74232 O'REILLY AUTO ENTERPRISES LLC capsule,filters,headlight restore,battery, hyd oil,drying tool,compound,power polisher,sea foam,wiper blades 546.72;74233 OLSON TIRE CO tire repairs,patches,tires,computer balance,valve stems,used radial,dismount/mount 541.65;74234 ONE CALL OF WY tickets for CDC code TRG 123.00;74235 PANHANDLE COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION refreshments-retirement party,urban systems lunch,rebate-summer fill credit return 518.40;74236 ENVIRO SERVICES INC. lab analysis 148.00;74237 PATRICK, JOHN B. Municipal Court Judge 2000.00; 74238 PETERBILT OF WY garbage truck repairs 325.05;74239 PINNACLE BANK travel expenses-meals/ fuel/lodging/toll fees,SHRM membership/training,postage,field blank ammo,hose kits,refund,retirement gift 2878.31;74240 PITTMAN ELECTRIC LLC electrical work-blade sharpener 332.09;74241 PORT-A-POTS BY TDS INC. port-a-pots 76.82;74242 POSTEN, REECE BENJAMIN service call-repair A/C units 578.78; 74243 PRINT EXPRESS INC. ups 489.40;74244 R & R PRODUCTS INC. golf flag 222.30;74245 RICHEY, MICHAEL air fuel 390.60;74246 RICHEY, MICHAEL reimb-fly in expenses 122.84;74247 RICHEY, MICHAEL Airport Operator Contract 1666.67;74248 INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTORS marking paint,wd-40 spray 108.36;74249 SAM'S CLUB/SYCHRONY BANK credit,oreo cookies,copy paper,folders,receipt paper,tape/ dispensers,detergent,terry cloths,disinfectant wipes,duster refills,freezer bags,dish soap 1771.30;74250 DBC IRRIGATION SUPPLY sprinkler heads,swing assy,pvc tees,pvc pipe,valves,q4 4485.99;74251 QUILL LLC mini first aid kit,lysol,sticky notes,legal pads,paper clips,post it notes,v30 nemesis,binder clips,perf paper,pens,kleenex,paper towels,copy paper,credit,folders,ink cartridges,facepiece respirators,staples 794.60;74252 STRAIGHT STRIPE PAINTING INC. Airport Project 89441.90;74253 STUART C IRBY CO wire 1294.15;74254 SUEZ WTS USA INC. monthly chemical management 7769.04;74255 TORRINGTON OFFICE SUPPLY white board cleaning towels,post it notes,dry erase markers 56.20;74256 TRANS-WEST INC. TPMS sensor replacement 102.57;74257 U S POSTMASTER credit for postage 1150.00;74258 GRAINGER inverted marking chalk 116.88;74259 WEGLIN, EDWARD H. mow/trim 220.00;74260 WESTCO gly star plus,reducers,pipe,filters,filter heads,parts,premium diesel,unleaded gas 17811.83;74261 WESTERN PATHOLOGY CONSULTANTS breath alcohol,DOT drug screens,urine collection 220.00;74262 WY BRAND INDUSTRIES envelopes 50.00;74263 TORRINGTON TELEGRAM ads,legals 4315.05;74264 WY SECURITY SYSTEMS INC. security camera system install,alarm monitoring 1055.00;74265 GLOCK PROFESSIONAL INC. armorer's training 250.00;74266 CITY OF TORRINGTON payroll withholding 85.00;74267 DENT, DAVID A. Golf Pro Payable 6150.50;74268 GOSHEN CO DISTRICT COURT CLERK payroll withholding 100.00;74269 GREAT-WEST TRUST CO LLC payroll withholding 1293.00;74270 NEW YORK LIFE payroll withholding 359.37 Public Notice No. 8308 published in the Torrington Telegram on August 26, 2022.

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